Family and Friends Holidays

This blog post is about the holidays my family celebrates. This year I’ve sadly missed 2 holidays. The first one was Easter, because we went to fiji ( all their eggs were melted) and the second one was Halloween, I had just come back from camp just in time for Halloween, but my dad forgot to make my costume.

These are some short descriptions of the holidays my family celebrates (in order):

  • New years, New Year is on 1st January. My family celebrates this with our family friends, at their beach house. We always go to the beach, and to finish it off all of us wear glow in the dark bracelets and wave sparklers.
  • Easter, again we celebrate this with our family friends at their beach house. The day before Easter we hang up painted egg on the trees. That night their dad reads us a cute story about mother bunny with 30 very well behaved bunnies and she gets chosen to become one of the seven Easter bunnies/rabbits who deliver chocolate eggs. Finally we wake the next day, go outside and collect eggs together. I usually get all the caramel eggs (I don’t like straight chocolate).
  • Halloween, this is when we dress up as monsters and walk around going to decorated house saying trick of treat, then they pass you lollies. It’s really fun with friends.
  • Friends Christmas, for my family this happens before Christmas, but when all the decorations are up. This involves family friends coming over for lunch and all the children competing in fun events like, make the snow man. Where we get a ball and rap it in toilet paper to make it look like a snow man. Finally we have my dad dress up as Santa giving us early presents. In Australia it’s really hot, so we have a swim in the pool.
  • Christmas, we have all our family over, the night before we go to sleep to find the next day     Santa ( a made up man who brings children presents) has come. We all open our presents from Santa and our family. We also go for a swim.

What’s your favourite holiday?

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